KLUM Airport Terminal Design

Plans as of 20 February 2009

I've provided copies of the plans in both .jpg and .pdf formats in case either is easier to handle in your browser. The file sizes are about the same, and the .pdf files are higher resolution. Basically the difference is that the .jpgs will usually scale automatically to the browser window, while you'll neet the Adobe Reader installed on your computer to read the .pdf files - which are of higher quality.

Plans presented to the Airport Commission 29 January 2009

These are jpegs of photos of the current plans for the terminal.

The airport commission voted Thursday, January 29th, to proceed with this plan. Bids can be opened, at the earliest, near the end of April.

I assume this means groundbreaking will occur, at the earliest, in early May.

As usual, click on any thumbnail to see a large version. In Firefox and other tabbed browsers, you can of course open the large images in a series of tabs, and go back and forth.


This is essentially the same as the most recent version.
There is a counter but no sink in the conference room. Plumbing will be stubbed in.
The door to the flight prep room may be secured with a cyber lock.
The flight prep "closet" has a counter on the north wall sized for flight charts.
There is a commercial-grade pocket door between the flight-prep room and the pilots' lounge. There will be wiring for the large-screen TV someone will surely donate.
There are window in the SW corner allowing pilots to survey the lobby for pax.
The vestibules may have cyber locks on the inner doors.
There is a window on the north wall of the manager's office, so that the NE ramp area can be surveyed from the office.
There is a triagular duct chase on the south wall of the building between the manager's office and the lobby.
There is a backlit compass on the floor of the lobby.
An exit door leads from the lobby's SW wall onto a green space, where perhaps someone will build a fun, safe piece of playground equipment for children.
There is a large storage closet along the west exterior wall.
The kitchenette will be wired, but not equipped, by DOT funding. The HVAC will be in the attic space above it; it will be separated from the lobby by a glass wall.
There are two three-stall bathrooms of minimum size, and no shower. Pilots wanting a shower are invited to stand under the eaves on a drizzly day.
There will be in-floor heating, so that water or snow tracked in will evaporate quickly, for safety.


West Elevation, viewed from the road.

North elevation, viewed from the FBO hangar.

South elevation, viewed from the fuel pumps.

East elevation, viewed from the ramp. The large tan space above the entrance could say "KLUM Airport" but I think the DOT will not provide this for us. We hope to have this, so as not to leave anyone confused who might have has landed thinking this was Menominee, Michigan (KMNM). (Aren't you glad our airport at least has a pronounceable name, even if it does rhyme with drum, crumb, glum, numb, and dumb? Perhaps we could simply post a sign there saying, "This is not Michigan". But perhaps some would be more confused by the joke than by not having a sign at all. But I digress. This is the East Elevation, as we were pointing out.

We have requested outdoor 120-volt outlets every 20-30 feet along the east side of the terminal, so that a winter visitor can plug in an engine heater.

Plan with detailed sections

This plan has keys to the sections which follow.

The attic is above the kitchenette. The small rectangle is probably a furnace and air conditioner.

If we whack the building north-south from snout to stern, we have this.

Sliced E-W through the lobby. The manager will be wanting a long-handled feather duster for the high parts.

Showing how the office fits in...

The journey through the doors is a straight shot.

Now we bisect the kitchenette, attic, and pilot lounge.

A slice through the lavs and the conference room, showing the whiteboard that he DOT will not be providing. We can send Randy Eide to estate sales...

The conference room showing its eyebrow on the east.

This section seems to be N-S through the vestibule and storage closet, looking east from inside the closet, which I must say is not the point of view that I was expecting, but why not?

Site plans

The terminal site and the construction area will permit airplane owners housed in the west side of the condo hangar to enter and exit.
We are requesting taxiway markings (not part of the terminal project) from the west side of the hangar past the pumps and terminal, as a hint that aircraft should not be parked in the way.

A Landscape plan

My impression was that the larger number of parking spaces will be made.


This shows the gradients of the site. Elevations are in MSL. Slopes are kept at 2% near the building to avoid steps and ramps. The terminal floor will be about 2.5 feet below the floor of the FBO maintenance hangar; a concrete pad and sloping sidewalk will be constructed as shown.
The current drive is a 10% slope; the new drive will be 6%, which will make for fewer strikes of the automobile against the pavement when hurrying out. (We speak from experience here.)
There is a niggling concern about the fact that the ramp slopes rather steeply down from the north end of the condo hangar to the chain-link fence, as if a pilot had to taxi around this corner on glare ice, with a southerly wind blowing, the fence might poke the airplane nastily. But this will not be made worse by this construction.

All photographs are copyright © SEH, Inc.; all rights reserved. Photos may be copied and disseminated only without charge, and with attribution.

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